FAQ - Frequently asked questions.

To have the best experience and see all images on Tinberdog.com, deactivate Adblocker!

Important! Read more about Trade safely

DeepL - The best text translator

Recommended! Use DeepL to translate texts.
Or to translate Tinberdog into another language, install Add-ons in your browser. Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge have translation programs (Add-ons) available.

Beware of Scammers who contact you via the contact form!
If you receive a message via the contact form from
Tinberdog.com you see an IP number (example in the e-mail, check this number first via ``What is My IP´´. If the phone is from outside of Europe or there is no phone number be extra careful. Or contact us if you have doubts. 

Check any IP address here
Placing an Ad. Can you not proceed to the next step?
1.    Beware of space behind your e-mail address! Remove the space with the backspace button.
      - Often a space behind your e-mail address is the reason that you do not proceed to the next step.
2.    Disable Adblocker programs if you use them. By using Adblockers you can not view ads.

Watch your confirmation email!
After you have placed your advertisement (s), you will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail. (not applicable if you are registered at Tinberdog.com). You must first confirm the link [Click here to confirm your advertisement] before your advertisement (s) is finally displayed. Keep this e-mail well! because it contains a referral, so you can easily edit, renew or delete your advertisement (s) later on.

Caution with a SPAM filter!
There is a possibility that the confirmation e-mails from Tinberdog.com sent to you will be mistaken as '' Spam '' and has entered the '' Unwelcome e-mail '' folder, please always check this. Add e-mails from noreply Tinberdog.com to the approved senders.

Tinberdog.com uses responsive design technology.
The goal of responsive design is that it detects the visitor's screen size and orientation and changes the layout accordingly. No Android or Apple app needed!

Duplicate Content is a No Go on Tinberdog.com.
Duplicate content (Ads, text, and images) fuels negative user experience and can affect the credibility of a brand. Duplicated Ads are removed afterward. Blocking of the IP and e-mail address is applied, if duplicate Ads repeatedly are placed. Read more about Trade safe
Placing an Ad is quick and easy on Tinberdog.com
- Your Ad is online in two steps.
- You can easily edit, renew or delete your Ad afterward.
- Place multiple properties in a row and publish them in one go.

We use Paypal Checkout Express and STRIPE to accept online payments in a secure and reliable way. All major Credit and Debit Cards are accepted. You do not require a PayPal account to purchase using your credit card.
Secure payment.
At Tinberdog.com your payment details are not saved, that is safe!
Manage a promotion to an ongoing advertisement.
(My Tinberdog.com users)
1. Log in to My Tinberdog.com.
2. Select the ad.
3. Then select the option [Promote this ad]
4. Select a promotion.
You immediately see the amount and duration. Go ahead and take care of it. Ready!
Resize your images.

To upload photos on websites, these images often have to be reduced or converted to other file formats. Both Windows and Apple offer handy standard tools to reduce images.
My Tinberdog.com
With your e-mail address and a password, you get access to My Tinberdog.com. There you can:
* View your advertising overview.
* Advertisement statistics.
* Edit, renew, and/or delete your ads.
* Place new ads faster. (you will not receive confirmation e-mail anymore)
* Add promotions to your ads afterward.
* Customize your personal data and password in the profile menu.
* Delete your account.

About Norton Internet security.
If you use Norton Internet Security, you must disable the Pop blocker. Open the "Norton Internet Security" program and deactivate the Popup blocker checkbox.
We have done our best not to leave any mistakes in the software, but if you unexpectedly encounter a problem, you can report this on the contact feedback form. We will solve the problem as soon as possible.
Your category is not listed?
You want to place an ad and you can not find the right category, send an e-mail through the contact feedback form and ask your question. We will ensure that the section will be added as yet. Your advertisement must, however, comply with the provisions as stated in the headings The Rules and Conditions.

This website uses permanent cookies. These are small text files that are automatically placed on your computer by the internet browser. Using a session cookie you can, among other things, keep track of which web pages you are viewing and which options you use.
Tinberdog.com uses this information to make the website more user-friendly. Cookies also keep updated information so that logging in, again and again, is not required. It is possible to remove the cookies from your browser or to set that you have to give permission per cookie for storing them. Disabling cookies may result in you having to re-enter your details for each response you give.
2023 - Tinberdog.com